The first teacher, wise ancestor

ppf-altins-04.02.16Within the limits of an anniversary date of the 175 years of I.Altynsarin on January 4, 2016 On a psycho-pedagogical faculty of has passed action « The first teacher, wise ancestor».
« I. Altynsarin has become history of a public idea and the literature of Kazakhstan as the wonderful teacher-educator, the writer, the specialist in folklore and the ethnographer ». Such beginning has for an object to enter the pupil into versatile activity of I.Altynsarin and gives concept about some features of ways of spiritual progress of Kazakh people in XIX century when its protruding representatives had to operate actively in many directions of a life of a society.
Students of 1 rate of the Kazakh branch have taken part in action « Pedagogics and psychology », « Pedagogics and a procedure of elementary education ». During action verses, a roller and slides on I.Altynsarine have been shown. Student Almat Zhansaja has read through a poem of own composition, devoted to the great teacher.
Action has been completed by a song « Tugan zher » in execution of the student of 1 rate Askarova Snezhanna.

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