«The message of President of Kazakhstan to people of Kazakhstan»

ppf-28.01.16On January, 28th, 2016 students of 1 rate of a speciality: ПиМНО, Defectology, ДОиВ, ПиП. have visited library of Y.Altynsarin. Objective of visit was the explanation and discussion of the message of President of Kazakhstan. The leading methodologist of library of Latypova Bibigul Kazybajkyzy has told that annually the President addresses to people with the message in which prime objectives and priorities of progress of the state are specified a year.
Of tasks in view already pretend during a life, but still much it is necessary to make many. And the greater hope of all country is a young generation which should live in the new world in the country prospering and democratic. The message is devoted social-to economic modernization - as main vector of progress of Kazakhstan.Upon termination of lecture students actively discussed questions: What changes have occurred in the state from the moment of an output of the first message? 2. How you think the country on the right way? 3. Whether modernization of formation is necessary?

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