«Kazakhstan in a new global reality: growth, reforms, progress»

ppf-27.01.15On January, 27th 2016 «Pedagogics and a procedure of elementary education» Bekmurzinoj Z.M. has been lead by the curator of 1 rate of a speciality under the Message of the President of Republic Kazakhstan of N.A.Nazarbaev on subject matter «Kazakhstan in a new global reality: growth, reforms, progress». Five basic directions of anti-recessionary and structural transformations of Republic Kazakhstan have been certain and considered:
1. Stabilization of financial sector;
2. Optimization of budgetary policy;
3. Privatization and stimulation of an economic competition;
4. Bases of new investment policy;
5. New social policy.

Also 7 anti-recessionary possibilities of Kazakhstan, 10 social sensations in conditions of global crisis, 10 decisions on optimization of budgetary policy, 6 scale steps on stabilization of financial sector have been considered. Students actively took part in action: debated, stated the position concerning the Message.

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