The experience of the chair to young teachers and students of pedagogical higher institution

11.04.1411th April, 2014 within the framework of the week of the pedagogy chair was held methodological seminar "Modern educational technology in higher institution" (for young teachers and students of higher institution).
In accordance with a program of the seminar teachers shared experience on using technology of project teaching, game technology, as well as on realization of level educational program on translation of experience JSC NIS. Seminar was opened by the head of the chair of pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent B.M. Utegenova, who noticed the necessity of using methods and techniques in educational process of higher institution, that improve the efficiency of formation of professional competence of future teachers under the modernization of education. She noted that for many years teachers have been using technology of sign and contextual learning, directed at formation of professionally important qualities of a future specialist.

11.04.14Technology of project study as an element of sign and contextual learning was performed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant docent of chair of pedagogy T.S. Shumeyko. She told about the organization of project and research activity o students on the course "Ethnopedagogy", structure of project and research works, stages of its implementation, ways of results performance and criteria of assessment.
Effectiveness of using this technology was approved by students of the group M-22 Omarova D. and Turina A., presented the video about their project on learning the role of folk traditions in modern education. Gaydar A., student of the 2nd course of specialty "Vocational education", in her performance noted an importance of implementation of project and research activity in professional formation of future specialists.
One of the most important elements of sign and contextual learning are business games. Senior teachers of the chair A.B. Shalgimbekova told about their organization in the process of formation of future teachers' readiness to educational work at school at lessons "Theory and methodology of educational work". She illustrated her message with interesting examples and showed a video prepared by students. The following students participated in the seminar highly assessed the possibility of using business games at the lessons: Askarbay B. (BLE, 3 course), Murzakhmetova G. (physics, 3 course), Zhazykova T. and Muratbekov A. (KL and L, 2 course), Sambetov N. (computer science, 3 course).
For the implementation of new approaches in teaching and learning through the sharing NIS experience, docent B.M. Utegenova showed in the performed material the strategy, methods, and techniques of module programs of Level courses of professional development. Feature of the program is its valuable orientation to change thinking and practice. A student of the 2nd course of psychology and pedagogy Kosyman A. performed a small scale research on the issue of criteria-based assessment.
Materials of the methodological seminar will help young teachers in improvement of methodological approaches of organization of educational and scientific and research activity of students of pedagogical institute.

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