"Methodological aspects of the work of teachers of the special education system in the context of the updated content of education"

On February 23, 2018, the Department of Psychology and Defectology held a methodological seminar on "Methodological aspects of the work of teachers of the special education system in the context of the updated content of education." The purpose of this methodical seminar was to discuss the methodological aspects of the special education system in the context of the updated content of education.

Teachers and students of the specialty "Defectology" (3rd year Russian and Kazakh department) of the Department of Psychology and Defectology, as well as invited guests from special educational organizations took part in the seminar: KSU "Rudnenskaya Special School for Children with Special Educational Needs" of the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay oblast - Uruskayeva Elvira Mukhametkhanovna, primary school teacher, defectologist and Shemelturov Boltrik Serikovich, teacher of adaptive physical education and exercise therapy; KSU "Cabinet of Psychological and Pedagogical Correction of Kostanai District" of the Administration of Education of Akimat of Kostanay "- Shalteev Yermek Ramazanovich, Head, Stadnichenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, Methodist; Kostanay Special Boarding School No. 2 for orphans and children left without parental care "of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay oblast - Onuprienko Nadezhda, teacher of Russian language and literature in classes.

During the seminar, questions were discussed about the possibility of educational programs on academic subjects within the framework of the updated content of education by teachers-defectologists. The themes of the reports of the participants in the methodological seminar testify to the wide format of the issue under consideration.

The event was held on a high methodical level. All the participants who took part in the work of the methodological seminar "Methodological aspects of the work of teachers of the special education system in the conditions of the updated content of education" were handed personal certificates, school directors were sent letters of thanks for assistance in organizing and conducting this event.



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