About a problem of increase in prestige of a profession of the teacher in the conditions of cardinal modernization of the Kazakhstan education

The round table which passed on February 26 the current year based on school lyceum #1 of Kostanay was devoted to a problem of increase in prestige of a profession of the teacher in the light of new national objectives in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers of school took active part in a meeting of a round table; students are probationers and teachers of department of Pedagogic of KSPI.

B.M Utegenova, managing department of Pedagogic, Professor G.U. Karpykova and the Chief of the Center of Y. Altynsarin of department of Pedagogic were managing the process.

Relevant tasks and wide range of opinions of a problem of increase in prestige of a profession of the teacher in modern society, the directions of development of school of mentoring as most important mechanism of effective adaptation and successful entry into a profession of young teachers, promoting of a positive image of the teacher in society, uses of a possibility of a round table for purposeful professional orientation work with graduates of high schools for involvement of capable and creative youth to the teacher's profession were discussed at a meeting of a round table.

Performance of Utegenova Bibigul Mazanovna was devoted to a problem of professional and pedagogical maintenance of formation of the beginning teachers. About importance of process of forming of professional and pedagogical valuable orientations of students of teacher training University Karpykova Galina Urazovna said in the speech. The director of school lyceum #1 Sharipova Saniya Salimgaliyevna stopped on a question of interrelation of school and higher education institution in effective carrying out student teaching of students. The certified teachers of 1 level Ostapenko Lyudmila Georgiyevna and Rakhimova Elmira Ersalimovna imparted experience of tutorial work with young teachers and students’ probationers, the young teachers promoting successful adaptation at school. The student Yudina Alina told 4 courses KSPI about features of an externship based on school lyceum.

Following the results of a meeting of a round table recommendations to theKSPI and the organizations of formation of area for updating of a problem of increase in prestige of a profession of the teacher and improvement of practical activities on promoting of a positive image of the teacher in society through the presentation of the best practices of the innovation and creative activity of the best teachers were developed.

Upon completion of work participants of a round table were handed participation certificates.




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