International contest "Pedagogical innovations"

In January, 2018 through Republican Scientific and pedagogical Center "Bilim Education" International contest "Pedagogical innovations" was announced.

A competition was held on the nominations "The Best Development of a Lesson", "The Best Methodical Work", "The Best Development of Out-of-class Actions", "The Best Electronic Benefit" "Best media lesson".

Winners of tender were determined in each nomination by the following criteria:

  • The work which gained the maximum number of points was nominated for GRAN PRI;
  • 1 place - the participants who gathered and more than a90% of the maximum point;
  • The 2nd place - the participants who gained from 80 and up to 89% of the maximum point;
  • The 3rd place - the participants who gained from 70 and up to 79% of the maximum point.

Following the results of tender in the best Development of Out-of-class Actions there was nomination among representatives of higher educational institutions. At is awarded competitive work as Utegenova Bibigul Mazanovny, to the item of N, the managing department of pedagogic and Karpykova Galina Urazovna, to the item of N, the chief of the Center of Altynsarin at department of pedagogic.

In The Best Media Lesson nomination the honorable III place is awarded to the project of Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalykovna, the teacher of department of pedagogic, the master of pedagogical sciences.

Dear colleagues! We congratulate you on a deserved victory! We wish good health, creative achievements and family wellbeing!

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