Updating of content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan – break to new knowledge and new opportunities

On February 9, 2018 based on the Kostanay state teacher training college of the city of Kostanay the annual International academic and research conference Altynsarinsky readings "Modern education - a key factor of success of spiritual modernization of society" took place. The department of pedagogics and the Center Y became the initiator and the organizer of the event. Altynsarina.

Despite traditional character of this scientific forum, every time experts teachers and scientists-researchers offer the most topical issues and problems for general discussion, show rich research practice, propose alternative solutions of new educational tasks.

In the President's letter of Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" education is recognized the separate industry of economy with the investment projects and the export potential. Education is the key to successful modernization of the Kazakhstan society today. Therefore all forces are directed to creation of own advanced education system oriented to quality of a human capital.

The purpose of the international academic and research conference Altynsarinsky readings was discussion by the international professional community of the theoretical and practical problems connected with modernization of education.

The problem field of a conference integrated the following directions:

  1. Updating of content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan – break to new knowledge and new opportunities.
  2. Forming of cultural wealth and priorities of younger generation – a key mission of modern educational system.
  3. Problems of development of professionalism of teachers in the conditions of transformation of spiritual life of modern society.

More than 200 people participated in a conference, 56 participants made the reports. Teachers of higher education institutions and colleges, teachers of schools actively discussed topical issues of modernization of education in RK.

At plenary meeting made reports: Abil Ye.A., Professor, Doctor of historical sciences, rector of KSPI; Daumova Batima Beksultanovna, doctor of PhD, chief of the department of formation of akimat of the Kostanay region; Ospanov Serikbay, Candidate of Philology, Kostanay professor of KSPI; Berezhnova Elena Viktorovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of MSIMO MFA of Russia (Moscow); Ybrash Yestayev, excellent student of education, honored worker of the agricultural industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, deputy of the regional maslikhat. Ybrash Estayevich suggested participants of a forum to discuss the idea of the petition before the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for assignment of a name of the great teacher and educator, the outstanding representative of the Kostanay earth Ibraya Altynsarina Kostanayskoma to the state pedagogical university.

Having discussed education problems in the conditions of spiritual modernization of the Kazakhstan society, conferees noted a mnogoaspektnost of the tasks facing modern education. Conferees spoke about the importance of the national program "Rukhani Zhangyru" in patriotic and spiritual and moral education of younger generation. Revival of the state is connected not only with the solution of political, economic and social problems, but, first of all, with education of the person, forming at him spiritual and moral qualities, historically developed mentality. To keep and increase cultural and cultural values – a main objective of system of educational work in Rowhani to a Zhangyr light.

26 conferees made a speech at a meeting of the first section on the subject "Updating of Content of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan — Break to New Knowledge and New Opportunities" with reports and the presentations. In the performances teachers imparted experience of training and teaching in the light of new educational tasks.

The elementary school teacher of high school No. 9 of Gafu Kayyrbekov of M.A. Yergaliyev and school gymnasium No. 5 of the city of Kostanay of A.Sh. Yesskozhin said that updating of content of education completely changed practice of teaching and training. Teachers were divided the practices by application of new sub trips to training and education of pupils of initial classes.

Teachers of schools of area of Fatkullin D.S., Valeyeva D.S., Gorzhuy L.N., Kaliyev B.S. in the performances imparted experience of creation of the new training environment in the conditions of the modernization of education contributing to the development of functional literacy of pupils in the updated program.

Teachers of special disciplines of KSKP "Kostanay Construction College" of Nazarkenov K.Zh. and KGKP "Lisakovs Technical College" of Murzakulov A.K. told about updating of practice of teaching in the TIPO system - it is both interactive techniques, and reflexive training, and new educational technologies.

In a work progress of section the most current problems of process of updating of content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a result of which the break to new knowledge and new opportunities will be performed were discussed.

On the second section "Forming of Cultural Wealth and Priorities of Younger Generation — a Key Mission of Modern Educational System" it was told about relevance of a problem of forming of modern strategy of formation of the personality in an educational system. The essence of new education consists in creation of conditions for self-realization of the personality in different types of the socially important activity promoting formation of valuable orientations, continuous spiritual self-development. This thought stands out in program article. In her public consciousness is spoken that today all Kazakhstan citizens should take a step forward, to change and to become the uniform nation of strong and responsible people.

Teachers and students of KSPI, teachers of comprehensive schools of area, teachers and tutors of NISH took part in work of section.

In performances of Bayzhanovoy S.A., to Item of N, associate professor of DINSO, Doszhanova A. and, teachers of SSh No. 18 of. Ore, Dzhumabayeva I.T., the tutor Nazarbayev of intellectual school the idea of updating of content of the spiritual and moral education directed to forming of valuable orientations of younger generation sounded. Teachers imparted experience of creation of conditions for fostering patriotism, civic consciousness, social responsibility and humanity at modern school students.

Performances of the student of the first course KSPI Idrisova A.M. and the student of the second year of KGPI Moldasheva of Zh.M. Idrisov Aidan were not less interesting "Social practice" in development of different forms of socially important activity of students told about an open classroom role. Moldasheva Zhanel spoke about scientific project, devoted to studying of great heritage of Y. Altynsarin in the territory of Auliyekol district of the Kostanay region.

In conclusion the honored teacher, the owner of a medal Y acted. Altynsarina P.B. Suynkina. The teacher with wide life and working experience I stopped in the performance on a question of the importance of spiritual and moral education of modern youth and need of the appeal to spiritual sources of the people as to the fertile field in forming of the major universal and national values at students and pupils.

The third section of a conference was devoted to a problem of development of professionalism of teachers in the conditions of transformation of spiritual life of modern society. Work of section took place in the new World Cafe format and on it representatives of professional community of teachers discussed current problems of improvement of pedagogical competence of light of strategic problems of modernization of education.

Teachers and students of KSPI, teachers of schools took part in world cafe. Work took place in a format of group work. Participants of section, having discussed issues of development of professionalism of modern teachers, provided projects of forming of the identity of the teacher of a new formation

Logical conclusion of work of the International academic and research conference Altynsarin readings "Modern education - a key factor of success of spiritual modernization of society" became delivery of participation certificates and adoption of the resolution.

Following the results of a conference the following recommendations were accepted:

  1. To improve cooperation of the organizations of education with socio cultural organizations in education of younger generation and modernization of public consciousness.
  2. To expand possibilities of scientific and educational consulting as innovation form of maintenance of professional development of teachers.
  3. In the field of education, being guided by priorities "Rowhani жа ңғ to a yr", to continue work on forming of the spiritual personality directed to socially positive, humanistic values.

Also all participants of a forum unanimously supported the idea of the petition before MAUN RK for assignment of Ybray Altynsarin Kostanay to the State pedagogical university.

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