The best in tender of online projects "History of the native land in persons. Ybray Altynsarin is the outstanding representative of the Kostanay Earth"

On December 28, 2017 the results of tender of student's online projects "History of the native land in persons were summed up. Ybray Altynsarin is the outstanding representative of the Kostanay Earth".

Under the terms on tender it was possible to present projects in the form of the interactive training websites devoted to a research of history and the culture of the native land, studying of life, activity and Ybray Altynsarin's creativity.

Authors of 6 projects participated in a competition. Competitive works were estimated by criteria - compliance of the project to the purposes, tasks and nominations of tender; compliance of the Internet tools and technologies used by authors to the purposes and project tasks; usefulness and demand of the project for specific group of beneficiaries and/or local community in general; possibility of further development of online project.

Following the results of tender of jury allocated authors of the best online projects. By them are recognized Arystan Nuraly – I place, Adyrbayev Temirlan and Toiganbayev Rustem – the II place, Kaiyrgali Nurymzhan – the III place. Winners and prize-winners are awarded with diplomas and valuable presents, participants received participation certificates.

This tender became some kind of platform for development of intellectual and creative potential, improvement of ICT competences and increase in level of network culture of student's youth.

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