To be healthy is cool!

On February 1, 2018 under the leadership of the deputy dean of psychology and pedagogical faculty Alipbayeva G.A. volunteers of psychology and pedagogical faculty "Kind heart" together with representatives of the regional center of problems of formation within a ten-day campaign on prevention and early detection of ontological diseases, dated for the World day of campaign against cancer, in Mart shopping Center have carried out an action: "To be healthy is cool!". Also employees of DOOZ, the Kostanay ontological clinic, students of the Kostanay medical college participated in this action.

Main objective of holding an action drawing attention of the public to ontological diseases for the purpose of change of the relation to a problem, mobilization of forces of society for improvement of a situation on ontological diseases. Participants of the volunteer movement "Kind Heart" have organized and have carried out flesh-mob, and have also taken part in distribution of booklets on prevention of ontological diseases.





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