"My Homeland - Kazakhstan"

Students of a final year of specialty "5B010500 Defectology" of psychology and pedagogical faculty have undergone student teaching in KSU "The Kostanay Special Boarding School No. 2 for Children of Orphans and Children without Parental Support, with Special Educational Needs" of Department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region. On February 5, 2018, within the program, under the leadership of elementary school teachers of Tulebayeva A.F., Alekeshova U.I. and Kasayeva M.D. students are Kuzmina Maria, Baybulova Gulmira, Kachko Irina, Zhantenova Zhaynar have held an event "my Homeland - Kazakhstan".

Main objective of an action – is a formation of idea of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as about the Homeland, the state symbols and a positive spirit on further training at school.

The event was held with pupils of an initial link on a game basis. Tasks, on knowledge the state symbols of RK, Kazakh, solving of crossword puzzles, a concept the word "patriot" and an informative travel on our Republic were presented to children. Baybulova Gulmira has shown the creative abilities, having played on a dombra. And teachers have shown a cheerful sketch "Aldar – a braid and the bay-musician"

Intersubject communication with lessons was traced: reading and development of the speech (reading the poem), manual skills (drawing of little men, serdechok), music (the song "Let will always be the sun), adaptive physical culture (flash mob). At all stages the interactive board with colorful presentation and tasks corresponding to age features of pupils was used. Throughout all action leaders tried to obtain full answers to the questions posed. Children were very active. The atmosphere was informative, interesting, cheerful and benevolent. Teachers of boarding school have noted readiness for professional activity of future graduates of specialty defectology.





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