Our contemporary – the poet, the scientist and the teacher

For fostering patriotism, love for the country, recognition and the respect for the famous people which has glorified the edge by talent and work on January 30 in Bilim-Innovation lyceum boarding school for gifted days there has taken place the meeting with the famous Kazakhstan scientist, the poet, the researcher of heritage Ybraya Altynsarina Serikbayem Ospanov. This action has been organized by the Center of Altynsarina at department of pedagogic. Pupils of 7-8 classes of lyceum and students of our higher education institution have taken active part in him.

The meeting was prepared and had held by the teacher of department of pedagogic, the master of humanitarian disciplines Ermagambetova A. At the beginning of the action for acquaintance of participants of a meeting with the hero of the day the video devoted to Serikbayu Ospanov has been shown. Throughout a subject the scientist has told children about himself, the scientific and creative activity.

In the second part of a meeting pupils read works by the poet, dedication to the poet, all have together executed one of the popular songs Serikbaya Ospanov. At the request of participants of a meeting, the poet has executed the work on a dombra, has read the poem, has answered numerous questions of participants. To the poet Serikbay Ospanov has presented to the most active participant, the author of dedication the book with the autograph.

In the end of the meeting the director of lyceum Baktiyar Shaymanuly on behalf of pupils has thanked Serikbaya Ospanov for a fine opportunity to join talent of the master.

Life and Serikbaya Ospanov's creativity are a history of the person who thanks to the talent, diligence, and commitment has achieved success and recognition. There is the main idea of which we sought to inform the young friends.

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