Еxploring all major projects of the program «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity»

On 12th of October, 2018 for the 1st year students of all specialties of the faculty of psychology and education was held an event dedicated to the explanation of the program «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity»: «Рухани жаңғырудың жарқын жолы».

This event was held with the purpose of outreach, exploring all major projects of the program «Рухани Жаңғыру», the formation and education of Kazakhstan patriotism.

Active participation was taken by the 1st year students of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» Egizekova Diana, Dyakova Natalya, Atabayev Bakhit, Nurbayeva Nurgul, who performed information about the programs «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity»: «Тәрбие және білім», «Атамекен», Сакральная география Костанайской области, «100 новых лиц».

Head of the project office KSPU, Professor of history of Kazakhstan, candidate of in History Balagabayeva Gaukhar presented information on the implementation of the program article of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev «Look into to the future: modernization of public consciousness»in Kostanay State Pedagogical University.

At the end the students watched the video "Sacred objects of Kostanay region".  

The moderator of the event Baizhanova Saule Askarbekovna, associate Professor of preschool and primary education, candidate of pedagogical Sciences summed up the meeting and thanked all the participants.

Baizhanova Saule,
associate Professor of preschool and primary education,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

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