International Round Table «Psychological features of adult education for-eign language»

October 31, 2018 at the Department of Psychology and Defectology of the KSPU passed an international round table «Psychological features of adult education foreign language».

The round table was attended by: PhD (PhD), Associate Professor at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius (Slovakia), Vice-Rector of the KSPU Eva Smetanova, Head of the Department of Science and International Relations, Ph.D. (Ph.D), Associate Professor, A. Tashetov BUT.; Dean of PPF, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.Aidnalieva, Head. Department of Psychology and Defectology, Ph.D., Associate Professor L.N. Lihodedova, Ph.D., Associate Professor Baimukhambetova B.Sh., Ph.D., Associate Professor T.I. Smaglii, .pn., associate professor Sh.S. Demisenova, senior teachers, masters D.S. Toymbetova, A.K. Bisembaeva, A.Kh. Usembayeva.; magistrates specialty 6М010300 Pedagogy and Psychology, graduate students.

With a welcoming word to the participants of the round table, the Dean of the PPF, N.A. Aidnalieva, addressed the priorities of the linguistic situation in Kazakhstan. The experience of learning by adults and young people of a foreign language in Slovakia presented by the vice-rector of the KSPU Eva Smetanova was interesting for discussion. An analysis of the state of the problem of teaching adults a foreign language at the present stage was made by Ph.D., Associate Professor B.Sh. Baimukhambetova; the specifics of occurrence, factors and conditions for the manifestation of psychological barriers in teaching foreign languages ​​to adults have been identified by associate professor T.I. Smagli.


Summed up the issues discussed head the Department of Psychology and Defectology L.N. Likhodedova, noting that the problem of studying the psychological characteristics of adults studying a foreign language, is today of particular relevance due to the increasing need for intercultural interaction of the population. Therefore, the discussion of the problem of finding optimal conditions conducive to the formation of motivation in adults in the effective application of the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of a foreign language in everyday life and professional activity is of great scientific interest.

In this regard, it is necessary to create an international initiative group of teachers from the Department of Psychology and Defectology of the KSPU and teachers of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius (Slovakia), under the guidance of Ph.D., PhD, Associate Professor Eva Smetanova, it is necessary to carry out a study of the psychological characteristics of teaching adults a foreign language and to develop practical materials to help successfully implement the process of teaching this oh category.

L.N. Lihodedova, Head of the Department of Psychology and Defectology,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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