Management of pedagogical conflict at school

On April 12, 2019 Master of humanitarian Sciences, teacher Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalikovna conducted an open lesson on the topic "Conflict management in inseparable pedagogical process of the school " with second year students, within the framework of the “Week of the department of Pedagogics” on the subject "Management in Education" in the specialties "FOLaE", "History".

During seminar, the teacher clarified and tried to deepen the notion of "conflict management in the inseparable pedagogical process of the school". She focused on types of conflicts arising in the pedagogical staff and ways of their solution. The seminare included multimedia complex, slides, fragments of films, handouts, charts, tables, a diary of concepts and other visual material, criterion assessment and other resources. During the seminar, in order to disclose the content of each question, through the reception “Panel Presentation” and “Bus Stop”, they identified the causes of conflicts and made a map of conflicts.

For each question a reflection was made and students evaluated each other using a predefined descriptor.Students actively participated in the seminare. At the open classes attended by the head of the department of pedagogy Utegenova Bibigul Mazanovna and teachers of the department: Shalgimbekova AB, Ivanova EN, Khamzina KB, Mnaidarova SS, Akanbaev B.N. The lesson was held in accordance with the requirement of updated content and innovative methods of teaching and training future teachers.

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