Evening – a portrait

On October 13, 2017 in the informational-library center has passed evening – a portrait “Қазақ әдебиетінің алып тұлғасы” devoted to the 90 anniversary of the Professor of Kazakh language and Literature Department of the Institute of Philology and Polylingual education in Abai KazNPU, the honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the owner of the state award of Kazakhstan, the honored worker of science of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the Honourable worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Doctor of Philology, Professor Serik Smailovich Kirabayev. This event was carried out by the Head of the Service Department of ILC Zhaksybayeva B.K. and the student of the second course of the Natural-Mathematical Faculty Sabit Zere.

The students of the third course of the Kazakh department of Philology Faculty Zharbosina M., Nyshanbayeva T., Serikbay A., Zhaksylyk N. made reports about the topic “Серік Қирабаев – сыншы ғалым”, “Қирабаев қағидасы”, read the poems by the poet D. Abileva “Парасат”, “Дана”, “Абыз”, devoted to the Academician S. Kirabayev. At this evening has been shown the presentation about life and activity of the erudite Academician S. Kirabayev. The exhibition of works of S. Kirabayev “Ғұлама ғалым” was issued.


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