A scientific expedition in kostanay region within the framework of the joint project of SRC PEB OF THE KSPU/REKKS (Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan)

After the international theoretical seminar «Innovations in the development of methods of sustainable agricultural environmental management in a changing climate in the dry steppes of Kazakhstan and South-West Siberia» (the project of SRC PEB of the KSPU/ReKKS "Dynamics of changes of steppe ecosystems of Northern Kazakhstan under anthropogenic and climatic factors on the example of soil mesofauna and habitat"), held on 16 may 2018 in the walls of the Kostanai state pedagogical University leading scholars of Germany, Professor Dr. Georg Guggenberger, project coordinator ReKKS, PhD Shibistova Olga Borisovna and the staff of the research center of ecology and biology (SIC PEB), University Professor,doctor of biological Sciences Bragina T. M. c.b.s., Professor Evgeny Bragin, master of biology, senior lecturer Marina Bobrenko and master of biology, senior lecturer Maria Ruleva steering in the period from 17 to 20 may inclusive conducted field trips to Kostanay region. The purpose of the expedition-selection and acquaintance with stationary sites, morphological description of soils, study of soil mesofauna.

17 and 18 may, scientists examined the plots located on the territory of the Naurzum and Amerikanskogo areas. Guests from Germany were able to appreciate the beauty of the pristine virgin steppes of the Naurzum state nature reserve, as well as visit the Museum. Described soil cuts fixed plots sampled soil-Zoological samples for further study.

May 19, employees of SRC PEB of the KSPU and students, members of the project team, was the primary sample material collected on fixed plots of the studied areas.

On may 20, the expedition group went to the North of Kostanay region, to Kostanay and Mendykarinsky districts, where the selection of stationary sites was also made and work on the collection of soil mesofauna was started.

The participants of the international project thank you for your assistance and cooperation Director NSNR Koilubaev Dulat and his staff, mayor of Michael rural district of Mendikara area Kakimov Adilbek, the leadership of LLP "Vostok" LLP, "Aleksandrovskoye", as well as agronomists, Shahno Anatoly Pavlovich and Zimco Valery Mikhailovich, for providing the necessary information and assistance in the selection of areas for further research.



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You are here: Home News News of science, international relations and innovative development A scientific expedition in kostanay region within the framework of the joint project of SRC PEB OF THE KSPU/REKKS (Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan)