April 11th, 2014 the final step of student contest of innovative projects dedicated to EXPO – 2017 took place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute. Basic goals and tasks of the contest are: 1) Assistance to form intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) Promotion of scientific-research and educational-cognitive activity of students; 3) Selection and support of most talented and gifted students.
9th of April, 2014 by the department of science, international relations and innovative development was organized and carried out scientific and methodological seminar on protection of copyright protection of intellectual property. In the seminar took part the faculty, deans of faculties, heads of chairs, young teachers of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. On the rules of implementation of the results of research work in practice told Vice-rector of research and international relations, doctor of historical sciences, professor, E.A. Abil.