KSPI - 75!

kspi75October 23-24, 2014 there was a celebration of the 75th anniversary of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
Under the program of celebration October 23 was held an International scientific and practical conference "Educational work in the modern university."
Presentations were made by:
1. Akhmetov Tlegen – the vice-rector on educational work and social and economical issues of KSPI.
2. Berezhnova Elena – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of MSIIR, leading scientific employer of the institute of strategy and theory of formation of RAE Moscow, Russia.

3. Михай Фрешли – Ph.D., director on western international relations, public member of Hungarian AS, the head of scientific and research group, docent. Western-Hungarian University, Institute of philology and intercultural communication.
4. Makanov Zhandilda Kozhhmetovich – the head of the domestic policy of akimat of Kostanay region.
5. Suyundikova Danagul Zhappasbaevna – deputy chief of the education of Kostanay.

kspi75There was carried out a meeting with representatives of foreign universities and the signing of a cooperation agreement by the rector of KSPI Baymyrzaev K.M. In the conference hall there was an awarding of the faculty and staff of the Institute by the commemorative medals and diplomas.

October 24, the guests were given a tour by faculties, museums and library centers of KSPI. The guests visited the museum and mausoleum of Y.Altynsarin and laid flowers to the monument.
At the conference, with the participation of foreign and Kazakh scientists, Rector Professor of KSPI Baymyrzaev K.M. awarded veterans of pedagogical work with commemorative medals.

kspi75In the celebration program was the grand opening of the audience named after Sh.Shayahmetov, scientist and statesman of the Republic of Kazakhstan. With words of welcome, and the role and importance of personality of Sh.Shayahmetov in education system development was performed Akhmetov T.A.- KSPI's vice rector for educational work and social and economic issues, poets Nagashybay Mukatjv, Serikbai Ospanov, as well as relatives of Sh.Shayahmetova. The event was attended by invited guests, teachers and students.

kspi75Celebrating of the 75th anniversary ended with a festive concert. The ceremony of congratulations was attended by Saduakasov N.M., who congratulated and awarded teachers of the institute with diplomas of the Akim of region. For the productive work in the education system rector of KSPI Baymyrzaev K.M. awarded Akim of Kostanay region Saduakasov N.M. with the Medal of "Honorary Professor of KSPI."
Next, a presentation was made by the rector of the institute Baymyrzaev K.M., congratulation words were said by the chairman of the Committee for Control of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Nyusupov S.N., graduate of KSPI Director of the Department for Control of Education Kostanay region Daumova B.B. and veteran of teachers work Zharkova V.I.

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