Olympics among teachers and staff of the institute

12.01.15In January, February of 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute with the support of the sports club and the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism hosted the annual sports day among the faculty and staff of the Institute. This year, the event was timed to 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The competition was attended by 8 teams: natural sciences and mathematics, and psychological and pedagogical faculties, the Faculty of History and Arts, Foreign Languages, Kazakh and Russian philology, distance learning, economic department and the administration. Last year's champion - the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, did not take part in the competition.

13.01.15The competitions were held in the following sports: checkers, chess, togyz kumalak, darts, asyk atu, table tennis, mini football, volleyball, skiing race. There were very hardcore in mini-football, volleyball, table tennis, checkers, chess, national sports - asyk atu, togyz kumalak. Teams showed high sports results. It should be noted a sharp jump in the athletic achievements of psychological and pedagogical faculty, which is a fight sports such giants as natural sciences and mathematics faculty, faculty of history and arts, department of economic and administration.
02.15As part of the Olympics on the basis of sports camp Institute, located in a Sosnoviy Bor, with the support of the sports club competition took place among the faculty and staff of the Institute for skiing. 1st place among men took Baykenov Erlan (natural sciences and mathematics), 2nd place - Utegenov Timur (administration), 3rd place - Erlan Ahmetchin (natural sciences and mathematics). 1st place among women won Ahmetchina Tolkynay (natural sciences and mathematics), 2nd place - Sugumbaeva Ain (psychological and pedagogical faculty), 3rd place - Borshevskaya Irina (psychological and pedagogical faculty).

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