Meeting on discussion of article of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "The plan of the Nation – a way to the Kazakhstan dream"

usvr-vstr-29.01.16In January, 2016 the practical stage of implementation of the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps on realization of 5 institutional reforms" has begun. 59 laws which create a new legal environment for development of economy and society in general have been adopted. On each of five reforms "road maps" of actions are developed. On January 29, 2015 the scheduled meeting on discussion of Article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "The plan of the Nation – a way to the Kazakhstan dream" had been organized. On action the member of information and propaganda group "Erkin pikir" D. Kaliyev and students of psychological-pedagogical faculty of KSPI had taken part.

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