"New Calls — New Reforms"

usvr-10.02.16-konfOn February 10, 2016 in institute there has taken place the "New Calls — New Reforms" conference with participation of leaders of student's self-government and students-activists. The subject of conference is closely connected with 5 institutional reforms and the Plan of the nation of the "100 concrete steps" declared by the Elbasy. This reform forms essentially new institutional environment of the country and lays the strong foundation for her sustainable development for many years. Correctly set direction of the movement in many respects defines success therefore each citizen has to take the responsibility and take active part in implementation of the 100 concrete steps program, offered by the President of Kazakhstan.
Among speakers there were the student of 4th course of faculty of history and arts, a leader of debate club "Parasat" Kuanysh Bekturganov, the student of 3rd course of faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism, a chairman of student's Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of KSPI Amir Batyrguzhin, the student of the 1st course of faculty of Kazakh and Russian philology, a member of primary office of MK "Zhas Otan" of KSPI Ruslan Mukhtarov.

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