«Kyran zhigit – Akku kyz»

16.02.17On February 17, 2016 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there had taken place the interfaculty review devoted to a Youth Day of Republic of Kazakhstan "Kyran zhigit - Akku кyz". Couples from each faculty participated in review. In such competitions of review as intellectual, sports, acquaintance and the art, couples had shown the skill. Dear citizens of our area and country had given to these couples an objective assessment: the honored worker of Republic of Kazakhstan, an actor of Kazakh drama theater named after Ilyas Omarov Konyspek Bermanuly Begaydarov; a cultural figure of Republic of Kazakhstan, a real master of aitys Alpiya Ormanshina; made big contribution to culture of Kostanay region, a head of "Armandastar" group Tulkibek Rysmaganbetov; chief specialist of management concerning youth policy Maksutov Marlen.

At the end of event the participating couples had been handed gifts from the student's trade-union organization, and winners took the certificate of medical and improving sanatorium of Burabay from labor union of educators and science of Kostanay region.
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