Victory Day in the museum

On April 24-25, 2017 manager of the museum Karina G.A. and students of a museum circle have held the festive events devoted to a great Victory Day. The guest of honor professor and the author of the book "We from War" of Thorny I.K. has been invited to a holiday.

Despite rainy weather, Ivan Kondratyevich has arrived to a meeting – he was waited by young students who want to learn more about history of the institute and teachers. The action has begun with the video about war, the chronicle about teachers, about blockade, about war bombings, about dedication of the great people and courage of adults and children was shown further. Then the floor was taken by the guest of an action – Thorny Ivan Kondratyevich. Here what he told about war:

- The farther from us war, the we realize greatness of a national feat more. And it is more — the victory price. The first message about war results is remembered: seven million dead. Then for a long time other figure will enter a turn: twenty million dead. Quite recently twenty seven million are called already. And how many the crippled, broken lives! How many cancelled happiness’s, how many not born children how many tears maternal, fatherly, widow, children's have been spilled! Especially it is necessary to tell about life in the war. Children of war. They have met war at different age. Someone absolutely baby, someone teenager. I was 10 years old. War has found all in the cities and small villages, at the grandmother, in summer camp, on a first line and in the deep back at home and on a visit. Before war it were the most ordinary boys and little girls. Studied, helped seniors, played, ran-jumped, hurt noses and knees. Their names were known only by the family, schoolmates yes friends. Hour has come – they have shown what huge can be small children's heart when the sacred love for the country and hatred to enemies inflames in him.

Ivan Kondratyevich during the performance has paid much attention to pages of the book "We from War" and has told about teachers who worked during war. This is Kirdyaev I.T., Europeans B. V., Belinskaya O.L., Pavlova O.D., Kandaling N. And, Koroteyev A.A. - brave defenders of the homeland remained in memory of the students and colleagues as remarkable teachers. Their many pupils are the today's teachers of institute with honor and advantage continuing business of veterans of war...

All attendees have observed a minute of silence for memory of all who valuable own life for us have defended this victory. In completion of an action the Victory Day song was heard.

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