Cooperation between higher educational institution and employers as a condition of quality training of graduates

On December 6, 2016 the conference hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was the place for the roundtable on the topic "Cooperation between higher educational institution and employers as a condition of quality training of graduates." The roundtable was attended by representatives of the Department of education of Kostanay region, the city department of education of akimat of Kostanay, Kostanay state university named after A.Baitursynov, Kokshetau state university named after S.Ualikhanov, AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics direction, Kostanay", principals of city schools, gymnasiums, KSU "Boarding school for gifted children "Ozat" of the Department of education of Kostanay region, Kostanay colleges, deans and heads of departments of KSPI. The moderator of the round table was the head of educational-methodical department, PhD, Kifik N.Y.

The roundtable participants had discussed the following issues:

  1. Interaction of Kostanay state pedagogical institute with employers in the framework of the realization of the project Erasmus + CBHE.
  2. Opportunities and prospects of two-diploma education for teachers and students of Kostanay region
  3. The participation of employers in the formation of modular educational programs for specialties of the Institute.

The themes "Accessibility and harmonization of higher education in Central Asia through the modernization and development of the curriculum» / ACADEMICA and features of training of and development of the project ACADEMICA were prepared by Sukhov M.V., a project manager, the dean of the Faculty of natural and mathematical sciences, candidate of technical sciences. Colleagues from Koshetau state university named after Sh.Ualikhanov and Kostanay state university named after A.Baitursynov involved in the discussion of these topics.

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Michela Tramonti, an evaluation expert of the project Erasmus, a guest of our institute, who came with a two-week visit on the basis of the budget program MES 204100 "Training of specialists with higher and postgraduate education and provision of social support to students" had unclosed the system of education at the University of Guglielmo Marconi (Italy) and prospects on the conclusion of agreements on tow-diploma education.

«Further, the round table participants actively discussed the cooperation between higher educational institution schools of the city and the region, the participation of employers in the formation of modular educational curricula, adjusting the curriculum, the formation of the list of competencies for each educational program, etc. The speakers about these questions were: a principal of SE "School for gifted children named Y.Altynsarin" - Karpykova G.U., a principal of JSC" Nazarbayev intellectual school of physics and mathematical direction" - Sapakov D.N., the head of the Department of theory and practice of physical culture, sports and tourism, PhD, Ogienko N.A., the head of the Department of psychology and defectology, Ph.D, Lihodedova L.N. and others.

The result of the roundtable was the adoption of resolution:

  • To continue to strengthen cooperation between universities and educational institutions in order to quality training of future specialists;
  • Departments the Institute must increasingly involve employers to participate in the development of modular educational programs, working curricula analysis, the formation of the list of competencies for each educational program on employers' request;
  • A university must develop and establish the realization of two-diploma education for lecturers and students of Kostanay state pedagogical institute;
  • To continue to conduct joint research and methodical events with educational institutions in the region, including the subject competitions, seminars, games, round tables;
  • representatives of employers have to take an active part in the organization of feedback from accreditation agencies to assess the quality of the work of the university;
  • To introduce elective courses for students: "The organization of the scientific activity of students", "The solution of competitive tasks on special subjects", "Modeling in the classroom";
  • To establish integrated courses in teaching process;
  • include the questions related to the work with the text (translation a text in graphics and vice versa, etc.)
  • The development of SSMD must be involved by school teachers for the practical component of the discipline;
  • To make proposals for the revision of the content of the sample program on teaching individual techniques in connection with the fundamental changes in teaching methods at schools.

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