Methodological weeks of chairs

11-12.14In the first half of 2014-2015 academic year were held four methodological weeks of chairs: Kazakh language and literature (November 03-08), Theory and Practice of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (November 10-15), history of Kazakhstan (November 17-21), the Russian language and literature (December 1-6).

Week program of the Kazakh language and literature included: Reader Contest (prose, poetry, drama of S. Seyfullin, I. Dzhansugurov, B. Maylinas with participation of 1-3 year students), online conference of teachers of faculty, students with teachers of secondary school №2 named after Altynsarin of Amankeldinskiy area, secondary school number 20 named after M. Hakimzhanova of Kostanay, training-seminar on using innovative technologies in the educational process, organized by teachers who visited the courses of professional development and open seminar of senior lecturer of the Kazakh language and literature chair Seisembay G.A.Participants of the contest "Elim dep zhyrlagan ush bayterek" read poems and prose passages of S. Seifullin, Ilias Dzhansugurov and Beimbet Maylin, performed staging of their works. Competition showed an expression, emotionality and acting abilities of participants. All applicants were worthy of awards. At the end of the competition Dean of the Faculty Esirkepova K.K. thanked all the participants and presented certificates to the winners of the show. They were students Seksenbay F. – 1st place, Sayfuddinova T., Muratbekov A. – 2nd place, Zhanzhigitov Syrym and Ibraimova M. – 3rd place.

11-12.14-1Online conference on the theme "12 zhyldyk bilim beru zhagdayynda okushylarga beyіn aldydayarlyk zhumystaryn uyymdastyru" was held with the teachers of secondary school №2 named after Altynsarin of Amankeldinskiy district, secondary school number 20 named after M. Hakimzhanov of Kostanay. The main content of the event was to discuss issues concerning the experience of the pilot schools in a 12-year education. School teachers spoke about their work on issues of transition to the new system of education, and the teachers of the department were interested in the content of school programs and the questions of preparedness of students to educational activities at the university.

Training workshop on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process was carried out by candidates of Philology, senior lecturers of the chair Kanapina S.G., Iisova E.A. and senior lecturer Ermanova S.B., completing the course in the Republican SPC "Orleu." Speakers noted the benefits used in the new techniques and methods: case studies, project method, assotiogramm and others.

At a public seminar Seisembay G.A. on the theme "Abai Қunanbaev shygarmashylygyn dagydanalyk tagylymdary" students worked in small groups. Teacher used information technology, critical thinking and problem-based learning. Attended Dean of the Faculty of Russian and Kazakh Philology, candidate of philological sciences Esirkepova K.K., head of the chair of the Kazakh language and literature Bekbosynova A.H., teachers Kanapin S.G., Iisova E.A., Aliyev D.A. and others noted the high activity of students, proper selection of material for a class by teacher and the effectiveness of the methods and techniques of the teacher.

11-12.14Methodological week of theory and practice of chair of physical education and sports included: two open sessions (Shilov I.A. and Volkov S.V.), master-classes on national games (Kakashev K.T.) and anatomical brain-ring (Egorova A.M.). Lectures of senior lecturer Shilov I.A. on "Lesson is a basic form of organization of physical exercises and its construction" was carried out using the interactive whiteboard. The lecture was of an informative character. Students got acquainted with the structure of the lesson and the basic requirements of the modern physical education class.

Practical class of senior lecturer S.V. Volkov on "Improving technology of transfers in place and in motion in various ways" and is characterized by high rate of activity of students in performing tasks. Skillful organization of the lesson, the personal example of the teacher, his desire to improve the outcome of each student helped 1-4-year students of specialization basketball successfully cope with the tasks.

Master class on national games on "Asyk atu as a form of extracurricular activities for future teachers of physical culture" showed a senior lecturer in the theory and practice of physical education, sports and tourism Kakashev K.T. The event was held in the auditorium of the student hostel. During the master class Kakashev K.T. showed more than 10 species of game "Asyk atu", involving numerous audiences – students and teachers of the chair.

11-12.14Анатомический брейн-ринг был проведен старшим преподавателем кафедры теории и практики физической культуры, спорта и туризма Егоровой А.М. В интеллектуальной игре принимали участие 4 команды студентов 1 курса, которые показали свои знания по дисциплине « Анатомия, основы спортивной морфологии». Уровень подготовки студентов оценивали два состава жюри: 1 - студенты и преподаватели кафедры, 2- ветераны факультета Зотова Л.Д., Ким М.С., Виниченко Е.А., приглашенные на мероприятие. Все участники получили грамоты и сладкие призы.

Anatomical Brain ring held a senior lecturer at the chair of theory and practice of physical education, sports and tourism Egorova A.M. In the intellectual game participated 4 teams of 1st year students who have shown their knowledge on the subject "Anatomy, basics of sports morphology." The level of training of students evaluated two juries: 1 - students and teachers of the chair, 2 – faculty’s veterans Zotov L.D., Kim M.S., Vinichenko E.A. invited to the event. All participants received certificates and sweet prizes.

The program of methodological week of the chair of History of Kazakhstan consisted of two open sessions (Bekmagambetova M.J., Anasova A.B.), two methodological workshops, meetings with veterans of the development of virgin lands in Kostanay region and intellectual game between students and schoolchildren.
Open lectures of the candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer Bekmagambetova M.J. on the theme "Kazakhstan in the period of socialist reform" was generalizing, during which the teacher used the presentation materials and pictures from videos on socialist reforms in Kazakhstan.

11-12.14Senior lecturer in the history of Kazakhstan, Master of history Anasovoy AB managed to create an atmosphere of debate and dialogue to bring to all students in seminars on "Kazakstan dagytyn zhane tynaygan zherlerdі igeru, onyn aleumettіk ekonomikalyk saldary." Students, working in groups of three, gave presentations, discussed the development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan and Kostanay region, the pros and cons of the project. Occupation turned lively, interesting and informative. Methodological seminar on "Methods of setting research problems" held by a doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Kazakhstan A.Kүzembayuly gathered faculty, students, teachers and students of physical and mathematical lyceum, SS №115 of Kostanay, Timofeevskaya primary school of Auliekol district. A.Kүzembayұly told the participants of the crucial importance of scientific substantiation problems of setting methodology research tasks, their relevance to the development of science and practical application.

The second methodological seminar on "Information and communication technologies at the lessons of history of Kazakhstan"  was conducted by candidate of historical sciences, head of the chair of history of Kazakhstan, Nauryzbayeva E.K. and MA in history Anasova A.B., Abilmalikov K.K. The seminar was attended by faculty and graduate students. They learned about what innovative learning technologies, such as project learning, case methods, conceptual maps and others may be used by teachers of history.

Meeting of students and teachers of the chair with veterans of the virgin lands Lambert L.F., Meyer L.M., as well as the candidate of historical sciences, professor Ternovoy I.K. on the theme "Stories of virgin land of Kostanay region through the eyes of witnesses." Veterans of the virgin lands talked about distant 50s, when they, as young enthusiasts, one of the first arrived in the Kazakh steppe, and so it remained in Kazakhstan. All the talks aroused the great interest of students to that event.

Intellectual game "Tapkyr saiysy" was conducted by MA in History, senior lecturer in the history of Kazakhstan Erisheva T.A. The game was played between the 1st year students and students of the school named after S.Maulenov. Questions touched on many areas of history: the history of the ancient world, Egypt, France, Kazakhstan, biographical information of historical figures and authors of architectural monuments. The jury, composed of the deputy dean, Master of history, Elkey N.N., head of archeology and ethnology, MA in history Abenov D.E., MA in History, teacher Tastekova G.B. determined history connoisseurs. They were students of 1 course of a specialty "History". Schoolchildren received gifts.

11-12.14Methodological week program of the chair of Russian language and literature teachers were open classes of Arsaev S.B. and Segizbayev K.K., a design competition on the theme "Problems of communication in a multicultural society" and a round table on the topic "Using the latest technology in the transition to 12-year school education" with the participation of teachers of regional schools.
Open class of senior lecturer Arsaev S.B. was devoted to "the life and activities M. Zhumabayev." Teachers used anticipatory tasks, through which students can take part in a conversation about the poet's life, there was shown the video.

Practical class of the candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer Segizbayev K.K. was devoted to "phraseological system of the Russian language." In class, students worked in pairs with electronic dictionaries, perform individual tasks using materials of local newspapers. Competition of student projects on "Problems of communication in a multicultural society" was held by the master of Russian language and literature, lecturer at the chair Aubakirova Y.D. Directions of the project activities have been proposed by the department of science and had sided orientation, but nevertheless, the competition showed the level of preparedness of students to carry out research projects, their strengths and weaknesses.

11-12.14-4Every year, as part of the methodological weeks, chair of Russian language invites school teachers, their recent graduates to discuss actual problems of teaching Russian language and literature. The event as also carried out this year.
The roundtable was organized by the senior lecturer in the chair of Russian language and literature Mustakimova G.V. on the topic "Using the latest technology in the transition to 12-year schooling" was attended by the teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school №7 of Kostanay, Michurinskaya school, Zatobolsk grammar school of Kostanay district, 4th year students and teachers of the chair. There was an interesting conversation on the application of modern technology in the classroom teaching Russian language and literature. School teachers shared their experiences of using technology cooperation, problem-based learning. Students interested in how to make contact with the audience what to do young teacher, in order to discipline in the classroom, etc.

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