Multilingual education as the main condition for integration into the international educational space

kr stol20.02.15On February 20, at 15.00 in the conference hall of the Institute was held a round table discussion on "Multilingual education as the main condition for integration into the international educational space" with the participation of representatives of the city department of education of akimat of Kostanay, Nazarbayev University, AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Kostanay", schools of Kostanay, gymnasiums, KSU "Boarding school for gifted children "Ozat", Office of Education of akimat of Kostanay region, colleges of Kostanay and Rudniy, RSPC "Kostanay daryny", branch of PE "Center of pedagogical skills in Kostanay", JSC "NTSPK "Orleu" IPK PR of Kostanay region. A welcoming speech was performed by the vice-rector of academic and methodological work of KSPI, PhD, candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor Tolegen M.A. He noted that the knowledge of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages in a modern society is becoming an integral component of personal and professional activities of mankind and stressed the importance of sharing experiences on policy of implementation Polylinguism in educational institutions of the region.

On the organization and development of multilingual offices in KSPI on the basis of specialty "Biology" was spoken by the head of the chair of natural sciences, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of KSPI Konysbaeva D.T.
Doctor of biological sciences, professor of the chair of natural sciences Bragina T.M., masters in biology, senior teachers of the chair of natural science Ilyashenko M.A., Demesenov B.M., shared their experience of organization the learning process in multilingual group of the specialty “Biology”.
20.02.15Kudritskaya M.I., the head of the chair of foreign languages of KSPI, candidate of pedagogical sciences, spoke about the integration of special education and foreign language content in the framework of polylinguism on specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". Senior lecturer in foreign languages Smagulova A.S. shared experiences on how to enhance the learning process through the implementation of inter-language links in polylinguism on specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".
Utegenova B.M., the head of the chair of pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, highlighted the teaching in multilingual group of the course "Kazirgi bilim beru tehnologiyalary".
An interview was attended by researchers, doctor students of Nazarbayev University Yildiz L.B., Mukhametzhanova A.Z., deputy director of the experimental work on the profile of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Kostanay" Aryngazieva N.U., teachers of KSU "Boarding school for gifted children "Ozat" of education department of akimat of Kostanay region Akhmetov M.S., Nugumanova K.A., Director of PE "Center of pedagogical skills in Kostanay" Onishchenko E.A., Deputy Director of methodical work RSPC "Kostanay daryny" Nabatnikova T.I., certified international expert advice Cambridge coach center level program, a branch of JSC "NTSPK "Orleu" IPK PR of Kostanay region Zaminova I.P., a teacher of Russian language and literature GU "Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorkiy" of department of education of akimat of Kostanay Ponkratova L.N., teachers of Rudniy social and humanitarian college of Y.Altynsarin Seydenova A.E., Ibragimov M.A., Moldabekov A.B., professional English teacher of Kostanay Industrial Pedagogical College Zharkov V.V., teachers of the chair of languages of Kostanay pedagogical college Kushegalina A.A., Moldakalikova A.A.
Colleagues exchanged experience in implementing multilingual education, discussed the problems and prospects of cooperation between KSPI and educational institutions of the region, implementing a program of polylinguism. The outcome of the roundtable was the adoption of the resolution:
  • Considering the methodological and scientific potential of KSPI, to establish cooperation on the basis of agreements with NIS, Gymnasium named after M. Gorky and others. Educational institutions for the development and validation of multilingual education based on NIS and other educational institutions;
  • To chairs of the Institute - increase the number of special disciplines, taught in English, to intensify work on academic mobility of teachers as part of the lessons in English in high schools of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • Support the efforts of KSPI and other participants of the round table on the development of research and educational programs through their joint development and testing;
  • To KSPI - continue to conduct joint research and teaching activities with educational institutions in the region on multilingual education;
  • KSPI and educational institutions of the region through educational portals organize subject community of teachers and the faculty staff of the Institute for the exchange of teaching materials, interesting ideas for organizing and conducting training sessions and training of research students and students;
  • Practice the publication of joint authoring courses, programs, projects in "Vestnik of KSPI"
  • Conduct master classes on teaching disciplines on foreign language on the basis of colleges and NIS;
  • Send for practical training of students of multilingual offices in schools and colleges that implement the principles of multilingual education.
The event was organized by the Department of Academic Affairs with the assistance of the chairs of natural sciences, foreign languages, pedagogy, scientific and research center of problems of continuing education and polylinguism center.

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