Olympiad on knowledge of three languages

17.04.15April 17, 2015 together with the Centre of polylinguism together with teaching and educational center of language training held the Olympiad on knowledge of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The competition was attended by students of all faculties. The participants of the Olympiad were offered 4 types of tasks: grammar test, proverbs and sayings, short texts translated into 3 languages (advertising texts, recipes, rules of some products), presented in three languages (the theme of the presentation was determined by the participant and the theme of scientific research). Participants showed a good level of proficiency in three languages, it was suggested to hold such Olympiad every year, in order to implement the program "Trinity of languages". Winners: Abishev A., a student of 3rd year of study of the Faculty of Mathematics, Tihova O., student of the 1st year of study of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, Aktas A., a student at the 4th year of study of the Faculty of Foreign Languages have been recommended to participate in competitions organized by the Department of languages development in the Kostanay region.

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