About methodical work of chairs of institute in the first half of the year 2015-2016 academic years

fks-16.11.15-prav-pitThe first half of 2015-2016 academic year was full of the methodical weeks of the departments of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism, teaching and educational center of physical training and Russian language and literature.
During the methodical week of the department of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism 5 open lessons were held and doctor – valeologist of Kostanay region hospital, PhD (doctorate) in medicine Zharkova N.V. gave a lecture – conversation to students of 1-4 courses of specialty "Physical education and sport" and "Tourism". The theme of that lecture was "Proper nutrition as prevention of alimentary - dependent diseases" and this lection had shown information about healthy and good nutrition.

The lecture of senior lecturer Motoriko L.G. on discipline "Basics of life safety" was dedicated to the theme "Emergency aid in some accidents and acute diseases". Listeners of this lecture were students of the first course of specialties of natural-mathematical and psychological-pedagogical faculties.
Senior lecturer Kovsh N.A. gave a training lesson "Way to success" with students of the third course of specialty "Physical education and sport". During lesson some reasons of being successful and lack of success were identified, psychological exercises were held, that helped to create positive emotional mood of the lesson.
Senior lecturer Kakashev K.T. on his practical lesson had shown to students the actions in emergency situations of peacetime and wartime, and ways of protection the population.
The aim of the lecture of senior lecturer Ogienko I.V. on the theme "Reasons of origins of extreme situations in nature" was the generalization of previously acquired knowledge to eliminate risks in the organization and conduct of hiking tours.
Practical lesson of Evdokimova G.I. and Makarenko G.N. on the discipline "Physical training in CHS" was dedicated to development of quickness, agility in individual and group exercises with a ball of students of 1,2,3 courses of faculty of physical education, sport and tourism.
The methodical week of teaching and educational center of physica ltraining had begun from scientific and methodical works of students and competitions in powerlifting among students of the first year. In organization and carrying out of competitions took place lecturers Akanov Sh. K., Dosmukhamedova M.M., Bekmukhambetova L.S., Porubov G.N., Polonyankina Z.G., Fomenko N.V., Samoilov A.A.
metod week 2015The open lesson on the theme "Development of speed qualities of volleyball players" was given to students of the first course of faculty of physical education, sport and tourism by senior lecturer Tashlykov V.S. The lesson was dynamic one and differed with the appropriateness of the methods in the organization of activity of students.
Senior lecturer Nurgaliev Sh.K. gave a lecture of on the theme «National games and sport types» to students of the first year. The theme of the next open lesson, held by senior lecturer Akanov Sh. K. was «Moving elements of the game and physical fitness».
The seminar on the theme "Prevention of HIV/AIDS among youth" with invitation of epidemiologist AvramenkoYa.V. and specialist of EC AIDS Zhalbirova A.T. was taken place at the end of the methodical week at the assembly hall of the hostel of KSPI. This event was orgabized by lecturers Polonyankina Z.G., Akanov Sh.K., Bekmukhambetova L.S., Dosmukhamedova M.M.
The program of the methodical week of department of Russian language and literature had two open sessions, training seminar and methodical seminar with the participation of teachers of city schools.
Senior lecturer Konvissarova L.A.had an open lecture on the theme "Literature in Germany". During the lectureKonvissarova L.A., acquainted students with the political situation in Germany in the early 20th century, had evealed the specifics of the work of Thomas and Heinrich Mann as the representatives of expressionismof the German literature.
metod week 2015-1Associate professor Karbenova Z.U. had a seminar - training on the theme "I am in the world ... The world is in me" and this seminar was dedicated to the issues of tolerance. The first year students of the Kazakh branch of different specialties had demonstrated an understanding of the importance of inter-ethnic cooperation and active life postition.
Senior lecturer Mustakimova GV had an interactive lecture on the topic "Russian literary language of the Soviet and post-Soviet period" and it had caused great interest among the students. Using interdisciplinary and integrative relations had intensified cognitive activity of the students and their participation duringthe lecture.
On the methodological seminar, which is part of the cathedral is held annually the week of Russian language and literature, this time the teachers were invited from the secondary school №7, Phychical-Mathematical Lyceum, the secondary school №115, NIS, GMG, Zhambylsecondary school, lecturers of the department, as well as students of 3- 4 courses. The theme of the seminar was "Traditional and innovative processes in teaching philological disciplines in conditions of Special Education and the transition to 12-year education" and it was relevant and did not leave anyone indifferent: each performance was accompanied by a stormy debate.
metod week 2015-2Open classes in high school - is a form of research, compilation and dissemination of best practices of lecturers of departments.
In the first half of this year, the lecturers of the Institute gave 26 open lessons. The ongoing work of the departments for the implementation of innovations in the learning process allows students to creatively assimilate the subject material and activates the educational and cognitive activity.
Open lessons of lecturers: Ragatova M.O., Amantaeva A.B., (department of world history and socialsciences), Nauryzbaeva E.K. Issenov O.I. (history of Kazakhstan), Mustakimova G.V.(Russian literature and language), Podavets O.D. (foreign languages), Kalinichenko O.V., (psychology), Bekmurzina Z.M., Kushmurzina D.C. (preschool, elementary and special education), Konyssbaeva D.Т., Gubenko М.А., Omarova К.I. (natural sciences), Dik F.B., Zhussupova D.Z. (arts), Kovsh N.А., Evdokimov G.I., Makarenko G.N. (theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism), TashlykovV.S. (teaching and educational center of physical training) fully demonstrated innovative approaches to learning, when it is not only discussion about the formation of a qualified person in high school, but also the need to provide students the opportunity for self-realization, self-organization, self-education, self-development.
Liaison and collaboration with educational institutions of the city and the region is one of the most important directions in the activities of the departments.
In the first half of this year, the departments held:
-Scientific-practical conference on the theme "The younger generation - the present and the future of Kazakhstan» with pupils of school-gymnasium № 3 of Kostanay (Yarochkina E.V., department of world history and social sciences);
-Methodical seminar on the theme "Preparing for the transition to 12-year education: an integrated English language training and special content (CLIL)» with teachers of Zatobolsk school-gymnasiumof Kostanai region (Kudritskaya M.I., department of Foreign Languages);
-Scientific methodical seminar on the theme "Experience of implementing the ideas level program in the learning process" with the participation of teachers of schools of Kostanai PML, NIS, school №1 and secondary school №10. (Konyssbaeva D.T., Baubekova G.K., Taurbaeva G.O., Department of Natural Sciences);
-Round-table on the theme "Features of learning mathematics in the 12 year old model of education" with students of 3-4 course (Kalakov B.A., Asskanbaeva G.B, Mnaydarova J.S., Department of Physical, Mathematical and technical disciplines);
- Regional scientific-practical conference on the theme "Innovation in the life of young people" (BiktashevaG.S., Morozova D.A., Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism)
-Round-table "Problems of training specialists: feedback" (Sapieva M.S., Department of Arts) with the Director of School of Arts of Auliekol District, a concertmaster of the specialized music school of Kostanay, lecturers and students of the third year from specialty "Musical education".
-Round-table on the theme "The use of innovative educational technologies of training in educational process of high school" at the end of training of teachers trained in the UK on the basis of Newcastle University (Konyssbaeva D.T., Department of Natural Sciences).
These were the results of methodical work of departments in the first half of the year. So, let the coming the New Year will bring even more success, creativity and satisfaction from the contribution to the cause of training and education of future teachers.

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