Open lesson

ffl oz 12.11.14The open lesson within the framework of the discipline "Theory and methods of upbringing work" on the 12th of November, 2014 was organised in multilingual group (specialty of Biology, 3rd course). The teacher - Danilova V. V. Students organized an educational spark with the invitation of guests - the manager of department of pedagogic - Utegenova B. M., the manager of chair of foreign languages - Kudritskaya M. I. and the senior teacher of chair of foreign languages - Asanova of A.B. Thematic of action - planning of New year. The spark had informal and friendly character. Students showed skill of knowledge of English by preparation, the organization and realization of a spark. Action carried as well polylingual character (competition of songs in three languages, reading poems, blitz questions). Guests of action noted the high level of preparation and carrying out action.

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