Discussion of the message of the President

18.11.14On November 18 students of faculty visited all-institute meeting which was held by the rector of institute, the doctor of geographical sciences K. M. Baymyrzayev. Meeting was devoted to discussion of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurlyjol" - a way to the future. Students listened carefully akim's reports of the city of KostanayA.M.Akhmetzhanov, the candidate of historical sciences S. V. Samarkin, performances of undergraduates. Students with satisfaction noted that when the countries of the world are involved in an economic crisis, Kazakhstan achieves implementation of provisions of Strategy "The Kazakhstan way – 2050: common goal, common interests, common future", and all tasks which are set by the President, are supported with allocation of money. All this guarantees stability, stability of economy, receiving workplaces.

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