Festival of foreign songs

uvc-27.02.15-1On February 27, 2015 within a week of the educational center of language training the Festival of foreign songs was held among first- and second-year students of all specialties. The goal: to cause interest of students in learning foreign languages and culture of the countries of the studied languages; to increase the level of scenic culture. The event was conducted in Kazakh, English and Russian. The necessary equipment, soundtracks "minus one" were used. The competition took place in lively atmosphere with constant support of the audience, and had great interest among students. At the competition there were 12 musical performances - solo, duets, trio. The quality of performance was estimated with the following criteria: pronunciation and phonetic correction, memorizing, tempo adherence, voice quality, scenic and performing mastery. The mark was given within a 5-point scale.

The jury announced the following results:
uvc-27.02.15-21 place: Namiyaly Zhasulan, specialty "Kazakh language and literature", 2 course
2 place: Eleonora Nurmagambetova, specialty "Biology", 1 course
3 place: Aydana Zarapova, specialty "Geography", 1 course
The following students took part in the competition: Nurmagambetova Eleonora, Ayupova Balbota, Zhalgasbek Nurgul, Akylbek Akerke, Levadnaya Valeria and Kayermanova Anastasia, Dzhumagulova Madina, Namiyaly Zhasulan, Kirassir Svetlana and Igubayeva Altyn, Makhrubayeva Zhadyra, Alkeeva Ayganym, Azhikhan Elamandy, Zarapova Aidana.
The jury of the competition: senior teacher K Khasenova, A.Satbayeva, student of the 3d course Aidana Omirzhanova, teacher of chair of arts, master of pedagogical sciences N.Amirkhamzin. The participants of the competition were given the certificates for participation in the competition.

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