Contest of research projects

ffl-06.05.15-konkThe 6th of May, 2015 the students held a contest of research projects. The students of the faculty of foreign languages Amirkhamzina Z., Kassyanova D., Zakharova K., Zhanbyrbaeva A., Kovalenko A. were the active participants in the event.Under the supervision of the teachers of Department of pedagogy Ivanova E. N., Baimenova K., and Razumova L. P. they set up the scientific project "Formation of the Kazakhstani patriotism in the conditions of ethno tolerant educational environment of the school." The theme of this project is relevant and important both for students and for teachers of pedagogical universities, because education of the new Kazakhstani patriotism should begin at school, given the nature of the multinationality of our state.

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