"Creation of the virtual educational environment on the basis of the interactive Internet platform www.Edmodo.com"

ffl-31.10.15-seminarOn Saturday, 31 October 2015 on the basis of the Zatobolsk school-gymnasium, the head of Department of foreign languages of the faculty of foreign languages Kudritskaya M. I. held a master class "Creating a virtual learning environment based on interactive Internet platform www.Edmodo.com" for English teachers of Kostanay district. The aim of the event was to familiarize the teachers-practitioners with the use of new information and communication Internet technologies to create and maintain a virtual learning environment in teaching English as a foreign language. Teachers were interested in organizing online tests and creating of a library with an unlimited amount of information storage in the cloud. To maintain contacts and exchange of experience was established the online group on the platform www.Edmodo.com that joined all 17 participants of the master class.

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