Victory in the competition "Kyran zhigit- akku kyz"!

17.02.16We congratulate 2 year students of FFL Elemesov Damir and Yussupova Akmaral on a victory in the competition "Kyran zhigit-akku kyz", that was devoted to the Youth Day! The competition has taken place between faculties in the assembly hall on February 17, 2016. Couple has prepared the program which has opened creative talent of these two young people. In a competition on raising weights Elemesov Damir has shown the excellent physical shape; in an intellectual competition on knowledge of the Kazakh culture, Yussupova Akmaral has shown her brilliant knowledge. Choreographic statement with which children have perfectly coped became especially touching and fascinating moment. The fashion show in which participants of a competition had to show beauty of the Kazakh national suit became the final stage where Damir and Akmaral looked perfectly. Following the results of estimates of jury of steam the couple has received the diploma for a victory in a competition and the certificate on obtaining the permit in sanatorium. We wish them reach their aims!


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