"Linguistic education: realities and perspectives"

14.04.16The annual regional scientific and practical conference entitled "Linguistic education: realities and perspectives" for employees of educational institutions within the Project named "From an Innovation to everyday Practice" was organized at faculty of foreign languages on April, 14th , 2016.
The work was organized in the directions of the linguistic plan: foreign languages, Mother tongue, upbringing means through language.
Teachers of schools of the city and the region took part in conference (#1 secondary school of Zarechnyi, Zatobolsk school gymnasium, "27 nursery school", "Physical and mathematical lyceum of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay", "The Kostanay engineering and economic university after M. Dulatov", "School gymnasium No. 3 of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay", "Boarding school for exceptional children "Ozat").
Topics of reports reflected the modern linguistic education and had a perspective character. All participants were awarded with certificates. Participants state productivity of conference and its open character.

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