The regional Olympiad "Tildaryn"

20.04.16Management on development of languages of akimat of the Kostanay region on 20 April 2016 in the House of Friendship was held a regional competition "Tildaryn", devoted to 175 anniversary of S.Altynsarin. The aim of this Olympiad was to identify and support talented young people, who know Kazakh, Russian and English. The event was aimed at strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism, education of language culture, the formation of respectful attitude to the languages and cultures of other people. Participants were required to pass 3 rounds: on the knowledge of Kazakh, English and Russian language.
First-year student of natural Sciences and mathematics faculty, specialty "Biology" of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute Takenova Nurgul showed good command of spoken and written language and was in the top ten winners and was awarded with a letter of thanks. The senior teacher of the educational center of language training K. Hasenova was preparing her student to that competition .

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