“Professional Focused German in Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan”

19-21.05.16From May 19 to May 21, 2016 on the basis of KSPI has been held the regional seminar on professional development of teachers of German together with Goethe Institute Kazakhstan on the subject "Professional Focused German in Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan". Ismagulova G., Cand.Phil.Sci., the associate professor of foreign languages (Kostanay) and Medvedeva S., the senior teacher of German (Petropavlovsk) were moderators of this seminar. Also has been invited the head of language department Goethe Institute of Almaty Constanze Krueger.
The presentation of "Curriculum" (A2 level) has been organized, participants of a seminar have got acquainted with modern methods of teaching a foreign language, and then they have submitted projects, the presentations using applications of this document.

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