International KazTEA conference

16-18.06.16On June, 16-18th, 2016 the 13th international KazTEA conference called "Association of Teachers of English of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Association of English teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - 'Creating the Future with EFL has taken place: Celebrating 25 Years of Kazakhstan's Independence by Looking Forward' in Ust-Kamenogorsk based on the East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev was held. The work was carried out on 8 sections, speakers talked on a subject of application of modern training methods of teaching English.
Current goals in Kazakhstan education are defined as education of new generation of leaders who are open to the world and can work in a team.
Conferees were representatives from Kazakhstan, Russia, England, the USA, Japan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

The owner of a grant for demonstration of results of work on application of resources of the British Council on a basis of video was the teacher of gymnasium after A.M. Gorky N.N. Shandetskaya. She also covered all events of conference and its procedural moments.
One of the conferees was the senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages of KSPI Danilova V.V. who lead the workshop on the subject "Blended learning-creating of e-Portfolio for mastering English".
Also within conference the exhibition - demonstration in which teachers of the Kostanay region (E.V. Bozhko and E. Magomedova) took part was organised.
It should be noted that the team of ACCESS school from Kostanay was presented also by the graduate of KSPI - Kharitonov D. who also provided a workshop within the work of school.
In general, participants note that conference was successful and achieved the results.

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