The literary soiree devoted to the 175th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

26.10.16On October 26, 2016 teachers of Learning and educational center of language training D. Lovtsova, V. Plokhotenko, Sh. Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova carried out the literary soiree devoted to the 175 anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh teacher-innovator Y. Altynsarin. The 3d course students of Kazakh and Russian philology faculty, "Kazakh Language and Literature" specialty, and the freshmen of the faculty of foreign languages took active part in this event.
The purpose of event was to acquaint the students with creativity of the educator, teacher, writer, ethnographer, specialist in folklore, public official Y. Altynsarin. During the event a small report on the life and pedagogical activity of Y. Altynsarin was presented, the documentary fragment about pedagogical activity of the teacher was shown, students shared the ability to recite Y. Altynsarin's works in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Also the stories known for all since the childhood were dramatized. Students were given the opportunity to check the knowledge of Y. Altynsarin's activity in a small quiz.

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