Competition on the best patriotic photo

-During the period from December, 7th till December, 14 at the department of foreign languages of Kostanay state pedagogical institute there was organised a competition on the best patriotic photo among students of the 4th course. This competition is devoted to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main requirements of the competition included: creativity, originality of composition, idea depth, mass character of participation. The organizers of the competition are T. Bobreshova, the student of 45ER group and V.V. Danilova – the advisor of the group.
In the competition the Kazakh and Russian department students took part. The talents of composition, organizing and creativity were demonstrated. The independent expert – Kifik N.Y., the chief of the educational and methodical department of KSPI – summed up the results of the competition on 15th, December, having allocated winning places and nominations. So, students of group 46ER took the 1st place, 45ER - the 2nd the place, 43EK - the 3rd place. All other participants of the competition were awarded with the nominations on the best mass photo, idea depth, originality of composition and creative approach. Prize-winners were awarded with the certificates and sweet prizes.

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