The victories of the disciples are our victories!

On 17st November the regional stage of the Republican competition of research works and creative projects "Zerde" was held in district №18,. The head of the section of the Russian language, literature and English was the head of the department of Russian Language and Literature of KSPI Pchelkina Т.R. The interesting topics were related to the issues of multilingualism, works of applied nature, interesting methods of studying foreign languages were noted.

A high grade was awarded to a pupil of the 6th grade of the secondary school. B. Koldasbaev of Amangeldinsky district. The head of the work is Sultanova D.K. - graduate of the specialty "Russian language and literature" of KSPI. Her pupil impressed the members of the commission with a desire for victory, a good knowledge of Russian and oratorical abilities. Good luck and creativity to our students! Their victories are our victories!


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