"Estimation for Training and Training Estimation"

At department of natural sciences the open lecture classes by the high teacher Baubekova G.K. were given on October 10, 2017. on discipline Professional reference points of teachers on the subject "Estimation for Training and Training Estimation" for students of specialty "Biology" 4 courses, the B-14 groups. The subject of the lecture "Estimation for Training and Training Estimation" is one of seven modules which is included in the Program of advanced training courses. The purpose of a lecture occupation – to study the basic theoretical provisions, types of estimation in the modern education system, to be able to make criteria of estimation within a module study. Tasks of an occupation – to study the types of estimation (current, total) used within the module; to develop criteria of estimation for formativny and summativny estimation; to discuss experience of AFL in OJC "NISH" making use of video a lecture of the teacher of Russian Boyarkin O. within advanced training course of CPS of Astana.

Students took the active part in discussion of a subject of a lecture, made entries in workbooks on the provided slides, made a cluster in microgroups on types of criteria estimation and broadcast to group, learned to make SMART the purpose, worked criteria for estimation of training in the offered subject, using a fragment of video of a lecture of Boyarkin O. in which experience of implementation of criteria estimation in schools OJC "NISH" was provided. At the end of an occupation questions on reception "thick and delicate questions" where students wrote the significant ideas of a subject of a lecture were made.

At an open occupation there were teachers of department of natural sciences: high teacher, master of natural sciences Kozhmukhametova A. S., high teacher, master of biology Suyundikova Zh.T., high teacher, master of tourism Baymaganbetova K.T.


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