Positive and negative consequences of the conflict studied at school of mediation

The principle of “peer-to-peer education” or “equal-equal” was wholly realized on the fourth lesson at School of mediation and national diplomacy which has taken place on November 1, 2017.

As the trainer - the moderator not the professional teacher, but the student of the 4th course of specialty “Psychology”, the graduate of School of mediation and national diplomacy Mishanova Ekaterina has made a speech at this lesson.

Classes have been given in the form of a training and finished the subject “Characteristic of the Conflict as Social Phenomenon”.

During the first classes which gave Smagly T.I., kandidate of pedagogical sciences, the associate professor of psychology and defectology, we have understood that for a mediator it is important to understand an essence of each conflict, to be able to understand emotions, feelings of each of parties of the conflict and to find a possibility of dialogue.

For this purpose Katerina has asked listeners to play a sketch in which the standard conflict situation has been shown. Then we have sorted behavior, gestures and the speech of all participants of a sketch. On the example of this sketch everyone has taken out for herself (himself) something new and, perhaps, in something has recognized himself.

It should be noted that the conflict not always a negative event. Because as the popular wisdom speaks, “In a dispute the truth is born”. And this wisdom has been proved and reasoned by participants during performance of a task on groups. For this purpose students were divided into two groups: “Avocado” and “Tangerine”. One group had to find positive sides in the conflict, other group – negative sides.

Very creatively has approached this task the student of the 3d course of specialty “Mathematics” Nurusheva Danagul. She has represented the vision of a question in the drawing.

On the next lesson at School of mediation will be held the seminar on tolerance.

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