Criteria-based assessment

10-11 January 2018 held methodical seminars for teachers of colleges of Kostanay region and teachers of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute. Seminars conducted by teachers of the Faculty of social sciences and humanities -– Abylmalykov K. K., Anasova A. B., lecturer in art Esmaganbetova Sh. K.

The aim of the seminar is to acquaint students with criteria-based assessment system that combines formative and summative assessment. In colleges of Kazakhstan used a five-point evaluation system of knowledge and skills of students, which do not show the whole level of the student's knowledge of the student, not motivate him to cognitive activity, is not consistent with the goals and objectives of academic disciplines, is subjective.

The College uses a binary system of evaluation in certain disciplines – physical education, classes in technological subjects, which preclude the use of the full extent of this system as criterial. During the workshop the participants got acquainted with different systems of evaluation – a 100-point system used in the Nazarbayev intellectual schools, letter system, formative assessment. Teachers were trained to create a system of criteria-based assessment, adapting them to their academic disciplines.        

Criterion system used in the courses and disciplines of the pedagogical Institute, but from a certain moment, in order that the student does not know fully all the assessment criteria. Often, students do not always know what grade they received in the course of the boundary control, laboratory or seminar classes. Sometimes students do not always agree with their assessments, which exposes the teacher, thus expressing confidence in the quality of education at the University.

In certain cases, the student evaluates their knowledge higher than the estimates which he put in the session. All these disadvantages and drawbacks, and have to decide today the criterion of evaluation of educational achievements of pupils, which should paint all the tasks before the student teacher on a 100-point scale.



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