Week of the Department of Arts

From 1 to 5 April 2019 at the Department of Arts of the faculty of History and arts held methodical week of the Department.

April 01 (14:30) in the information and library center was organized an open viewing of new educational, methodical literature on the disciplines of the Department. The most popular of them was such textbooks and manuals as "the Formation of professional skills of music teachers in the process of instrumental training", "Kazakh bin oito teorisi me dememes", "Computer musical graphics", "choral education", "practical work with a choir", "drawing and graphics", etc. Teachers got acquainted with the algorithm of literature search, database of information and library center, exchanged views, adopted recommendations to improve the library and bibliographic and information activities of the ICC.

02 April (10:30) senior lecturer, Sayatulekovo L. C. held an open lesson on discipline "mastery of the teacher of music (choral Conducting)" on "Opening the musical-artistic image of choral works". Open lesson reflected the final stage of the discipline "Choral class", studied for 7 semesters and 4 years of study. The lesson was aimed at artistic improvement of choral performance of the works of the state program of the discipline "performing skills of a Music teacher (Conducting a choir)". The lesson was refined interpretation, tempo ratio, the dynamics, the short characteristic, the organizational order of the performance of students of graduates during the state exam. The lesson observed interdisciplinary connections with such disciplines as: "Workshop on conducting and vocal", "Choral conducting", "Solfeggio with the basics of music theory", "Performing skills", etc. 03 April (10:30) teacher Zadorozhnaya S. N. was held an open lesson on the subject "Solfeggio", 2nd course on "Innovative methods in teaching solfeggio". During the lesson, the teacher used the critical thinking technologies obtained at the training courses of NCPC "Orleu". During the lesson, students discussed the variety of innovative methods, gave them a description, determined the scope. Presentations were made by students: Pak A. "Opportunities for informal learning in self-study on the subject of "Solfeggio"; Vorontsova A. "The use of innovative methods in the development of metrorhythmic skills of students", as well as heard the portfolio of the teacher on the topic: "Musical dictation – the main form of development of musical hearing" with the use of modern technologies. During the lesson the teacher used verbal, visual, illustrative method of teaching, as well as the method of critical thinking. Students independently systematized theoretical material, got acquainted with a variety of innovative methods in solfeggio lessons, practiced these methods in various forms of the discipline "Solfeggio".

04 APR (16:30) teacher of Turlubaeva D. K. was held open lesson in discipline "mastery", 3 course, practical exercise (individual conference) on "the Various activities of the accompanist". In the course of the class student Oleksenko N. the main types of work on the accompaniment (acoustic accompaniment, and accompanied by a digital instrument/synthesizer) were demonstrated. Was demolished five accompaniments, which included: the game on the required letter, transposing up for a second reading accompanied by a sheet. Was designated functions accompanist in school: the ability to show the vocal part on the piano to teach the children about the vocals (melody/words), describe the nature of the song. The main stages of the work on the accompaniment were shown at the lesson: reading from a sheet, determining the texture (relief of the texture in favor of the tempo, the nature of the work), harmonic analysis, analysis of the form of the work (verse). During the lesson the teacher used verbal, visual practical methods of teaching. The student independently analyzed the works, used practical techniques in the performance of the accompaniment (changing the texture, selection of accompaniment on the synthesizer: the selection of the pattern, tempo, timbre of sound), did her own arrangement of the song. In the process of conducting the classes was applied integrated techniques and the relationship of knowledge of students in a special musical subjects: ear training, music theory, harmony.

05 APR (12:30) teachers of the Department Zhusupova D. Zh., Sapieva M. S., civil Amirhamzin N.K., Ordasheva M. J., Jakaeva K. A. was conducted methodical seminar "the Updated content of school education in the curricula disciplines of the University."Teachers of the Department actively use the following online platforms in the educational process: https://nao.kz - the official website of the national Academy of education named after Y. Altynsarin http://smk.edu.kz Portal "Systematic and methodical complex", https://imektep.kz program elementary school with 200 interactive lessons and 100 games in eight core subjects http://cpm.kz/ru/portal/piggy/?arFilter_2[ID]=44393 - Electronic systematic collection of Center of pedagogical skill of AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", etc. So, Zhusupova D. Zh. and Sh. K Esmaganbetovа on the example of classes "Professional guidance of teachers", "Methods of teaching drawing", "Technology of criteria-based assessment", etc. acquainted the teachers of the Department how to use these educational content in the educational process. Sapieva M. S. acquainted colleagues with the experience of working with this content on the example of the discipline "Pedagogy and psychology of music education". Almaty, St. Tole Bi, 189 P. acquainted teachers with the experience of using educational resources on the example of disciplines "Theory of music", "performing arts".

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