Modern pedagogical science - the eyes of the young

In today's world it is difficult to overestimate the importance of innovative scientific research. Current scientific developments and technologies are considered a key factor for the progressive development of society. An important role in innovative development is played by education.

Today, in the light of new educational tasks, topical approaches, ideas and practices aimed at achieving a new quality of education and personal development are in demand. The leading role in updating the content of kazakh education is acquired by pedagogical science, including research of young scientists.

With the purpose of forming the personality of the future teacher-educated, creative, active, responsible for the results of its activity, the chair of pedagogy of Kostanay State Pedagogical University within the framework of the methodological week held a student scientific-practical conference "Pedagogical Science through the Eyes of the Young", in which 21 students took part scientific project.

At this scientific forum, interesting and promising projects were presented, relevant in the context of modernizing the content of Kazakhstani education. The ideas of new approaches to teaching and teaching: reflexive, collaborative, interactive teaching, criterial evaluation were revealed in the scientific works of Moldasheva Zhanel (chemistry, 2 course), Takybay Sandugash (psychology and pedagogy, 3 course), Baumakhanbetova Samal (psychology and pedagogy, 4 course), Ysrayyl Rayhan (psychology and pedagogy, 4 course), Zhandarbekova Aitkul, Nurkeldi Perizat (history, 2 course), Kalish Gulzat, Zhali Bekzady (chemistry, 2 course), Moldashevoy Zhanel (chemistry, 2 course).

The issues of updating the content of educational work in the organizations of secondary general, technical and professional higher education in the conditions of spiritual modernization of Kazakhstan society are explored in scientific projects Alitanova Sholpan (psychology and pedagogy, 2 course), Adyrbaeva Zhuldyz, Basanova Zhansai (history, 3 course), Abdrakhmanova Nurgul (foreign language: 2 foreign languages, 1 course), Kolykhanova Julia (Russian language and literature, 2 course), Auezkhanova Moldir (geography, 2 course), Serikova Saltanat (history, 2 course), Prasheva Madina (fundamentals of law and economics, 2 course).

In the study of Saransenbaeva Zhanary (defectology, 2 course), the problem of early corrective-pedagogical activity in working with children with visual impairment is examined.The importance of the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh folk pedagogy in the value education of modern youth was mentioned in the works of Kayirgali Nurymzhan (history, 1 course), Meshitkhan Akzhola (history, 3 course). Two-year students of the specialty "Chemistry" Zhunaeva Maftuna, Kazambay Araylym, Sraiyl Gulzira dedicated their work to the problem of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet. Moldamurat Fariza, Usenova Shattik (psychology and pedagogy, 2 course), Sadibekova Nasiba (psychology and pedagogy, 4 course) Matygulov Dauirzhan, Gappar Aizere (fundamentalsof law and economics, 2 course) studied the problem of effective approaches to training future teachers.

Authors of scientific projects demonstrated a high level of research culture and good creative potential. Many guys plan to continue working on the chosen topic.

In conclusion of the scientific forum of students the following recommendations were adopted:

  • note the relevance of the problems examined during the student scientific-practical conference “Pedagogical Science through the Eyes of the Young”;
  • to intensify research work of students on development of actual scientific problems in the field of education;
  • to improve the scientific and methodological support of research activities of students through facilitation mechanisms and tutoring faculty;
  • continue the research work of the conference participants in the chosen direction for further development of author's ideas and their implementation in the form of research projects and student start-ups;
  • to popularize in the student's environment the idea of familiarizing with research work through holding various scientific forums.

All participants of the student scientific-practical conference "Pedagogical Science through the Eyes of the Young" received certificates of participation.












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