Effective ways of mastering the art of business communication and professional ethics by future teachers

An important place in the professional training of future teachers is the process of mastering students by the technology of business communication. The culture of management communication in the teaching staff of the school is an integral part of the teacher's professional skills.

In order to form the competence of future teachers in matters of business communication, professional ethics, constructing effective communications at the interpersonal and professional levels, an open practical lesson in the discipline "Management in Education" with students of the second year of the specialty "Defectology" was held within the framework of the methodological week of the chair of pedagogics. The lesson was conducted by the senior teacher of the chair of pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences Karpykova G.U. April 13 this year. The practical lesson took place in the form of a situational game, each of the four groups selected and played out situations on the problems of constructing effective communications between participants in the educational process, formal and informal forms of communication, choosing the style of interaction between subjects of pedagogical management, overcoming barriers and obstacles in building relationships in a team school.

As the key idea of the lesson, the words of the English scientist, banker and writer John Lebbock were chosen. “For success in life, the ability to treat people is more important than possessing talent”.

The participants of the game offered various situations of interpersonal communication based on verbal communication, written information exchange, on-line mode, communication of teachers and school administration with the external environment, informal communication in a pedagogical collective. Also, students demonstrated in practice the observance or non-observance of the principles of the ethics of business communication, the rules of effective communication between participants in the educational process in the school. In the lesson, modeling possible situations of business communication and ethical behavior, students practiced the skills of managing the process of professional communication in a pedagogical collective.

A specific feature of the modern pedagogical collective of the school is its predominantly female composition, which can not but affect the nature of the relationships that arise in it. It's no secret that women's teams are more emotional, more likely to change their mood, more conflict. Therefore, the fact that this group consists entirely of representatives of the fair sex, has ensured the realism of possible situations and the effective development of the necessary skills to manage the practice of business communication in school.

Conducted at the end of the session, reflection showed the students mastering the content of key concepts, principles, rules of business communication and management ethics, the ability to interpret existing knowledge in new contexts, and the formation of a reflexive-evaluative culture of future teachers.






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