December 24, 2013 3-year student of the German department organized and conducted the celebration of Christmas «Christmas in German." The aim of the event was the acquaintance with the manners and customs of Germany, with the cultural traditions and peculiarities of Christmas celebrations in German-speaking countries. Students told the history of the "Christmas" holiday, prepared colorful presentation, sounded German speech, songs, poems, congratulations. The program was prepared by students of English department, who learn German as a second foreign language.

In 23/12/13 the course meeting for students - graduates was held. The main aim of the meeting is to orient them to choose a place at schools of our region for further employment. At the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty Doroshok EL and Head of the Chair of foreign languages Kudritskaya MI informed the students about upcoming events planned for the spring semester to facilitate employment.

December 20, 2013 Council of the Faculty took place. The following questions were discussed: • About work of NIR on a faculty • Analysis of the PPS in the department of multilingual group; Report of leader of the center of polylinguism on realization of the program of multilingual education. On last question it was decided to conduct a methodical seminar with the purpose of perfection of methodology of teaching of official language in the center of polylinguism.

09.12.13 a concert-competition passed within the framework of celebration of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan Day, on this day three faculties took part in it, among that and our faculty of foreign languages. Many kind and wonderful words about Kazakhstan, about a native land were said. The words of anchorwomen went down in memory that every word about Kazakhstan is a separate history. People say, "Good son - your life makes sense, good people - your word makes sense".

During November - December 2013 series of events dedicated to the 90th anniversary archive service of Kostanay region were held. Students and teachers of the Department of World History and social science disciplines actively took part in the events. - November 18, 2013 in Kostanay regional universal scientific library named after Leo Tolstoy there was "round-table" "Archive, museum, library collections of Kostanay region: their role in the study of history of the region" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Kostanay regional archive service as part of the club "Scientists invite". This event was attended by Head of the Department, PhD Samarkin, associate professor, Ph.D. Dukhin Y.K.

On 6th of December there was an online conference on "New approaches to the problem of the national liberation movement (XVIII-1992)" in the audience 210. It was held with participation of History teachers from Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute and schools of the city. The speakers of the conference were: Professor Amanzhol Kuzembayuly, Ph.D. of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Isenov O.I, masters of historical sciences Anasova A.B. and Erisheva T.A. School teachers noted that this kind of event is very necessary for them to enhance knowledge on the history of Kazakhstan.

Senior teacher of foreign languages department Balzhanova AM held training courses for teachers specialties of Kazakhstan universities from 04 November to 5 December 2013 in Nile Institute for Language Education (NILE, UK). During these courses together with teachers from the universities of Uzbekistan and Italy she attended and participated in collaborative sessions, and trainings. Much attention was paid to discussion of personal development as a teacher, the study of modern approaches to teaching English. The classes were interesting, well-planned and interactive.

December 5, 2013 in the Student House of KSPI there was a Competition named "Visiting the rescuers." The students of the dormitory performed as the rescuers. The contest was held in the form of intellectual and playful way with intellectual tasks with elements of basic military training: test with gas mask, first aid, etc. The contest organizers were teachers of the department of History of Kazakhstan - Nurpeisova E.T., Abilmalikov K.K. Students were divided into three teams and came up with the team names: "Rescuers in skirts, "Chip and Dale", "In the name of Marat." "Rescuers in a skirt" who had become the winners got a tasty gift - a bag of sweets.

December 4, 2013. The Faculty of History and Art held a traditional championship in mini-football among students of 1-4 year students. The championship was dedicated to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The team of teachers was also involved into the championship (Utegenov T., Elkey N., Baidaly R.J., Baikenov E., Abilmalikov K.K.), thereby showing the younger generation the way to a healthy lifestyle. First place went to the 2nd year students team named "New Castle", the second place went to the team of 4th year students called "Sparta" and 3rd place belonged to the 3rd year students of Kazakh branch "Kostanay United."

November 29, 2013 the results of the competition "Our leader" attended by 1-4 courses were summed up. For presentation competition "Our leader" (1st place 21 AK, 2nd place - 13 AA and 3rd place - 47 AR were awarded), essay competition in a foreign language "our President", which was attended by 35 students of the 4th course (in English for the 1st place Mukuzhanova A., 44 AR, 2nd place - Bodnar M, 47 AR, 3rd place - Divel in 45 AR; in German 1 place - Aitpaeva S. 41NRK, 2nd place - Ivolgina N., 41 NRC and 3rd place - Rudenko, 39 NRC).

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