March 27 at 17:00 at the Department of Arts, a meeting with Sharon Cosgrove, a native of Washington, DC, assistant professor of art at the University of Wilkes (Pennsylvania). Sharon Cosgrove a Master of Fine Arts, University of New Mexico College of Sheppard teaches painting, prints and printmaking. Her paintings and prints are modern realism, built on the canons of traditional and contemporary art. The meeting was held a master class with students of specialty "Fine arts and drawing."
From March 12 to March 17, conducted methodical Week Arts Department. 12.03 at 9:30 with the program MIDI editor «Sibelius», interactive board held an open session on the subject "Choral arrangement" (responsible - Art. Teacher Sayatulekova L.S.). 13.03 at 14:30 Round table with music teachers and educators for Continuing Education "Using music and computer technologies" (responsible - head. Department Sapiev M.S. teacher.Turlubaeva D.K.). 14.03 at 11:30, using multimedia technologies held an open session on the subject "History and Theory of Art" (Executive senior lecturer Narumova M.V.).
February 15 in honor of Valentine's at the Department of English held an event entitled "Let's muddied." Yes, you read everything correctly, this event was similar to the Russian program "Let's get married", but there is no need to get married.